Monday, January 28, 2008

Piece of hidden history - removed!

While I was growing up, a pastor and his wife lived two houses down from this house. He has since passed on but I believe his widow still lives there. When I first moved into the neighborhood, this pastor led a church on the nearby state highway which (in its prime) had a bus ministry.

Some of the buses were kept at the church and others behind the pastor's house. I remember the buses that were active then - they were dark blue former Blue Bird buses (I recall they had the sloping back end that those buses had until the mid 70's). These buses disappeared after that church's bus ministry died.

There was at least 1 if not more older buses behind the pastor's house I never saw used. These buses (except 1) disappeared eventually also. That left one bus abandoned in the back yard for the next quarter century (or more). That is, until yesterday.

It took 2 days to do it, but someone bought in some heavy equipment to get the bus out of its exile. I heard the noise all the way here, looked out my window and saw the bus pulled from its longtime parking spot. I walked down and took a photo (from the road) of the bus parked in the yard. It was still there when I left for town today, but upon my return it was gone.

The photo you see here was the only shot I could get without being caught doing so. It was definitely a Ford. I rode on some Ford buses from the early/mid 70's and those buses had a different grille. This was a step back from that, so I'm guessing this was made sometime in the 60's. Seeing the bus from a distance for so many years, I always thought it had a Wayne chassis. Every Wayne I ever saw had a flat roof which it looked like this bus had from a distance. Now that I look at this photo, it looks like this bus' roof was slightly sloping. Maybe a visitor to this page could provide some insight.

Hope you enjoy looking at this piece of history.

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