Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sometimes it must suck to be...

William Shatner.

William Shatner, you have given us three memorable TV characters in James Tiberius Kirk, in T.J. (Thomas Jefferson) Hooker, and in Denny Crane. You have given over the top acting in various rolls but a lousy performance in directing (Star Trek V). You're a great game show panelist but the public didn't like you as a game show host (Show Me the Money). You're also great on a horse but your writing can do without revising Star Trek history (face it - Capt. Kirk died and he didn't come back to live in the 24th century).

Get over it. The older Capt. Kirk is not going to be in the next "Star Trek" movie. Kirk died 13 years ago on Veridian III along side Capt. Picard (St: Generations). He is not coming back. Spock may have died but he came back from the dead to survive well into the 24th century. Spock was a Vulcan and was able to survive because of the Vulcan Mystical whatevers they used to reunite his soul. Therefore, it is logical for him to make an appearance in this new movie.

"Live Long & Prosper" Lots!

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