Thursday, October 25, 2007

October 2007's "I Didn't Know He Was Still Alive" Award

October 2007's
"I Didn't Know He Was Still Alive" Award
Goes to...

Irving R. Levine
Man, this guy has been around forever. For many years he was a reporter for NBC News. I'm not 100% certain but I think he covered business news for the network before it was fashionable to be a reporter for CNBC. Actually this guy was very fashionable indeed as he still wears his trademark copywrited bowties (if they aren't they should be). Speaking of CNBC, picture Levine hosting one of those weekday shows on that channel. I can't, especially on shows like the original "Squawk Box".
Tuesday night, I was flipping through the channels when I came across PBS's Nightly Business Report. He was giving a commentary of some kind. I really wasn't paying too much attention as to what he was saying because I was getting the camera set up for this shot. This time around, Levine is the Dean Emertus of International Studies somewhere (the darn Q-TV logo was blocking that information).
So, Irivng R. Levine gets my October 2007 "I Didn't Know He Was Still Alive" award. The prize is my undying gratitude. :-) Stop by soon as I will have another "IDKHWSA" award sometime soon (whenever I'm in the mood).

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