Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dream Time (03-11-08)

Here's a theme that has popped up in several of my dreams. Not quite sure what to make of it...

...the discovery of a long forgotten sealed off room, part of room, or in one dream a long forgotten floor. These discoveries are usually made in places I'm familiar with.

Here's the latest dream in this series:

I am in my church where I discover a hole in the floor. Peeking through the hole I discover a whole new level to the building I had never seen before. It turns out this level is below the church's basement. I go down to explore. There are others and this level is lit. I find the spot where the stairs to the basement level were and those have been sealed off and blocked for a long time. I find another set of stairs and those take me to a level below the church's narthex (also known as the lobby, foyer, etc). Again, this level has been long forgotten but activity is taking place here too - including a formal dinner happening in one corner.

Not quite sure what this all means but hopefully one of you has some insight...

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